Sunday, November 4, 2007

Kisses and More

You LOVE giving your mama kisses. It's the sweetest thing ever ever ever. Tonight you were taking turns crawling from me to your grandma giving us kisses in between. You also love to feed people, and animals for that matter. You kept feeding Waffles (the dog) your food. Although, you would only give him a lick not the whole thing.

I love, when you're sleeping I sometimes lie next to you head to head and remember when you were in my stomach. I loved having you grow inside me, singing you songs, and wondering what you'd be like. Taking our prenatal yoga classes together. My meditations were always so beautiful with you there. Having you now is such a blessing. Every day's a new exciting experience. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

1 comment:

Sequoia Journey said...

Shannon you are so blesssed to have such a wonderful, sweet boy. I wish you both the best.