Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Working on Your Christmas List

OK family, I've started our Christmas list :-) Never too early!

Click on the links below
Fun activity center!
Armadillo CAR!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Child's (baby's) pose

You are sleeping so soundly in a modified version of child's pose. I was just staring at your tiny feet, which have gotten so much bigger but are still so tiny and will only be so tiny for a little longer. Tonight it was harder getting you to sleep - you were fighting the sleep. But finally after wrapping and nursing and back to wrapping again...and then nursing again... and again and so forth; you fell asleep into your baby dreamland.

Your papa is in Scotland now. Today we went swimming with your baby friends and then we got the rest of your cloth diapers! Finally we are a very eco-conscious family and I don't feel guilty every time I change your diapers!!

You now love your blocks and watching mama stack them up into towers and then knock them down. You were laughing in hysterics like I've never seen you laugh! Tomorrow I'm taking you to our local wooden toymaker and you can pick out one toy! Lucky boy! AND your daddy is bringing you back a whole duffle bag of gifts from Africa, Jordan, England, and Scotland! I hear there's a harmonica amongst many other fun treasures!!

Alright my sleeping boy. I can't wait to see you soon. You are my joy. Good night.

Monday, August 20, 2007

New Photos Are In

The ultimate beach baby

Here you are with your best baby friends:
Addeline, Owen, Oliver, Zaidan, Hollis, and Henry


Some of your knicknames that are sweet now, but later in life you may be embarrassed:
Zeezu, Zuzu, Mr. Furly, Teetu, habibi, Monkey, Pumpking Pie

When I wear you in one of our carriers I always ask you if you want to get back in mommy's belly.

When daddy calls to talk on the phone you clam up and just smile at the phone.

When you hurt yourself, as long as I put your head to my heart, you feel better and stop crying.

I miss you when you're sleeping. Your my little buddy, my joy, a wondrous miracle. I"m so lucky to have you in my life Zaidan. Your mommy and daddy love you so much!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Can barely type

...but I haven't written in a while so i'll make it quick. I drove back from grandma's today and as always that drive just wipes me out. I think it's the drive combined with unpacking and my sweet son who does not like to sleep in changed environments.

mo officially returns sept 3!!! he will have his greencard within the month that he returns!! Humdillilah!!!!!!!!!!

Z's so funny these days. he screams alot in excitement and i always say he's having a baby party. party animal is he. he crawls like one step and then flops on his belly too. It's so exciting to see him developing.

i'm hosting a baby playgroup on weds so that will be fun to see all the little baby heads together again.

OK, must get some sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Godmama Photo Shoot

Well Zaidan, you are the luckiest boy in the world because your godmama is a professional photographer. You will have a chronicle of your life, well for the rest of your life!! She also taught you how to play peekaboo by yourself. Your Scottish godpapa will be coming to visit us in America very soon. Maybe you can pick up on his adorable accent? Here's some of my favorite photos from the shoot, I'm also adding some photos she did while you were in my belly!
All photos are copywright Jenn L. Warren www.jwpictures.net

My Son:

Ma'Sal a Khir, ya basha! You look like you're in an Egyptian film smoking the hookah!

How to calm a fussy baby: Breathe deep and make like a tree

Laughing it up

All wrapped up - night night!

Sad News

Today there is some very sad news. A little boy that I used to babysit for who is now 18 was found dead in his car. It was a very bad car accident early this morning. His car hit a tree, and they believe he was drinking and driving.

Kids get their license so early in America. It's such a big responsibility to drive a vehicle. I hope Zaidan, when you are old enough to drive you will make good decisions when you get behind the wheel. If for some reason you've had too much to drink, call a cab, or even call mom or dad to pick you up. We'll be happy that you made the right decision to call us instead of putting you and someone else's life in danger.

Mark left this earth early in his life, and I'm so sorry for his family's pain. I only hope more people will learn from these tragic mistakes to prevent them from occurring in the future. So long little boy, Mark. You are always in my memory.

Friday, August 3, 2007

First time at the Beach!!!!!!

Zaidan loves the beach! You were so calm and excited - you were in a beach zone playing in the sand, eating the sand, splashing in the water. You were so adorable! Maybe one day we can move to the beach since you love it so much! Our last day at the beach we went very early in the morning and saw a school of dolphins chasing after a fishing boat!! It was so beautiful.

I can't wait to take you back to the beach.