Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Godmother Meeting

Well we're at grandma's and I got to see my godmother Darlene after 17 years! and Zaidan got to meet his godmother Jennifer for the first time! It was a very fun day indeed.

Everyone kept telling me they could not believe what a great baby Zaidan is, and I of course attribute it to our babywearing as it has made a comfortable transition for him from womb to the world :-) Whenever he's fussy if I just pop him in the wrap he's as happy as pie.

We drove Austin to Houston and Z slept most of the way - we stopped once for a milk fill up and for mama to eat. We spoke to daddy today. He's good. We miss him alot. I hope we will be reunited soon as a family. It's a long wait, but there's nothing we can do but be patient :-(

OK, we're off to sleep now. Hopefully Z and I will do OK sharing a queen sized bed since he's such a Rolly-Polly these days!!! I love kissing and cuddling him so much. Sigh, you are so sweet and precious little one.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One Man Band

Sometimes I feel like a one man band. And let me tell you playing all those instruments 24hrs a day is exhausting! I can barely move right now, but last comic standing is on, and well I like to laugh.

Z and I went to our baby playgroup today. Oh the babies are so cute together! It rained hard again today. Z loves sitting outside and watching the rain. He also will stop all crying and fussing if you sing Row Row Row your Boat. I think he likes the sound repetition. he also loves Old McDonald

Our daddy is in Jordan now and safe. We hope he comes home soon :-(

Anyways, this one man band hears a baby crying

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Summit Night

Well Zaidan, your daddy just called from the top of Mt Killimanjaro! He sounded very happy. I sounded very tired. He sends you kisses all the way from Africa.

You are teething now so it is very painful for your poor baby gums :( Mummy has to hold you alot. You were up till 11 tonight and finally fell asleep in the wrap. You were screaming and laughing while I did my Kundalini yoga :-)

Today you went and swam in Deep Eddy for the first time - it's very cold but you LOVED it!! Everyone was laughing with delight at how good you kick your feet!! You are the sweetest baby ever and I"m so lucky to have you in my life. I thank God everyday for you and your daddy. I must go to sleep now bcs I am soooo tired!!! Hopefully you'll let me sleep in and won't roll all over me all night long! Kisses to you and your daddy.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

6 months Photos

Cute as a Button

Zaidan, you are simply the cutest ever ever! I just put you to sleep. You do the cutest thing now before you fall asleep: you put your arm ontop of my boob covering your eyes at the same time - that's how I used to sleep too!

I went out with Jenny to have some GREAT mexican food tonight. Z wore his adorable Scottish hat and sat in a high chair for the first time. He was great at the restaurant!! We went swimming earlier today and it really wore both of us out!

We got a call from daddy today. Tomorrow they will move to high camp. He sounded the best I've heard him on the mountain. I guess it's an easier climb than what he's used to! Anyways he says he misses us alot and that's always nice to hear.

I need to sell something else so I can fund a new Storch wrap. Z is getting too heavy so I need to get something more supportive! I'm addicted to babywearing!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Date Night With My Baby

Tonight I got all dolled up, did my hair and GASP makeup!!!! put on a dress and took my baby to hear some good Ska music at the Texas History Museum. It brought back memories of me playing saxaphone in a ska band. Z wore his headphones and someone came up to me and said "way to be a cool mom!" That made my night.

I missed a call from Mos on the mountain this morning :-( my volume was off so I did not hear it. They will attempt to summit on Sunday. So hopefully I'll talk to him in the next few days.

Z fell asleep in the Moby Wrap, brought back such fond memories of him as a newborn in it - i can't believe how big they get!!!!!

My wrists are killing, so i'll stop typing now and say good night.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Kundalini Yoga How Quickly I forget

Ah, the kundalini yoga how it changes my mind, my back, and well, my life. I forgot how much I loved practicing it. I rented a great Kundalini dvd and it made me feel so much better!

Zaidan is doing great. Sleeping so sweetly. He fell asleep in the wrap today on our nightime walk. I love when he sleeps in the wrap, he's so snuggly and it reminds me of when he was a newborn. I'm going to miss him being a baby!
We went swimming today too - he loves the water ssssssoooo much!

Today was definitely a better day than yesterday. We stuck to our schedule, I took a nap :-), and of course the kundalini.

My most important yoga lesson of the day: when your mind is jumbled with negative thoughts clear your mind by repeating "Sat Nam." It works great!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wherever you are Mostafa

Wherever you are Mostafa, on some mountain looking at the beutiful African horizon, I am here alone raising our son. It's not easy everyday. In fact it gets harder and harder and harder. And there you are travelling the world living your life having fun. I cannot do this anymore. I cannot be married to someone who's a visiting relative to our son. It's time to make some changes in our lives, Mos. I"m sorry to say, but I cannot handle another year of your mountain climbing. I CANNOT. I want our family to be together not apart. Please fix this. Please help me. I want to be a good mom, but it's hard when you're the mom and the dad.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

All things Zaidan

Zaidan is so hilarious for me everyday. I just checked on him sleeping and he was chewing on his tongue and making this hilarious old man face. He loves stuffed animals, little dogs, and birds. Everyday he gets bigger and bigger. I love watching him discover new things.

Daddy called today; we won't hear from him for a week or so as he's in the mountain and not using his sattelite phone. We'll go on as usual following our schedule, but of course always thinking of him and praying for his safety.

Developing our schedule: an impressive work in progress

So today's schedule I think is THE one! We had a great day. It goes as follows, and will of course require some tweaking and more advanced scheduling in the days to come (dad this is a good reference for you for when you return from the mountain):

8-8:30 Z is very awake while mama lies in bed slowly waking up

8:30-9 Playtime for Z while mommy cooks her breakfast

9-9:30 Mama and Z eat breakfast together

9:30-10 Babywearing time! while mama cleans up and makes her juice. Then we go on our morning walk.

10-12ish Morning Nap for Z and mama cleans the house.

12-3ish Activity time. Definitely some babywearing and playtime, then maybe the pool or shopping or a baby playdate or a long walk

Afternoon Nap

5-6 Excercise time! Mama goes jogging with Z in stroller

Dinner time for baby and bathtime.

Babywearing and walking

7ish Goodnight baby Zaidan!

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Days Get Longer...

Today was a very LOOOONG day. First I made the mistake of NOT juicing early in the morning...I have now learned to never forget my early morning juice!

I took Zaidan's morning nap with him because I had the grand idea to go running for the first time since I got pregnant.... SO off we ran around town lake. We went to the park at Barton Springs and played the jumbo xylephones - Zaidan is LOVING music! He now sits at his baby piano and pounds on the keys. It's adorable.

I"m missing Zaidan's 4 hour naps! He's cut them down to 2 hours at a time lately. He also now likes being walked to sleep for bedtime. Well, he just likes me walking him period. We took 4 walks today! When Mostafa's gone I'm certainly in better shape bcs he loves walking Zaidan when he's here - it's their special bonding time. We are missing our daddy that's for sure. He arrived in Tanzania today to climb Killimanjaro. I wish I was there, I'm dying to see Africa... But delaying Z's vaccinations has me a bit trepidatious to travel anytime soon.

Zaidan ate lots of apples today. I think his favorite food is peaches so far. We're going to try the zucchini soon, but I"m not sure how he'll take to the non-sweet veggies...

He makes me laugh so much. He's a real spitfire, very determined to get what he wants. I think these are early signs of his personality coming out.

I hope we can make it to morning yoga tomorrow...Zaidan's naps just do not permit me usually :-( Om mama's just going to have to practice at home.